Christmas is Near!
Christmas Comes Just Once a Year!
© Shadi Shidrawi
Ready, steady, go
edit note
But how to let it go,
Is it because Chronic remorse,
when you listen
"If you have behaved badly,
"On no account brood over your wrongdoing.
"You say you care
Christmas is near
a child is born
a child is born
Is your Christmas the same as mine?
Hark the herald angels sing
Who took the event
Christmas is near
Christmas is near
back to the old drawing board
Christmas is near
and the heart is kicking
leave an impression
receive one
and let it go
when voices
around Christmas time
echo in the silence
of your head!
as all the moralists have agreed,
is a most undesirable sentiment?
just around this time of year
the voices would
sound like that:
then make what amends you can
and address yourself to the task
of behaving better next time."
Rolling in the muck is not
the best way of getting clean."
But you don't!
That's why you're not here but there.
You said you'd change but you won't,
but still you can make a difference. "
and the heart is kicking
back to the old drawing board:
to save the world.
yet the world doesn't
want to be saved
to bring them peace
yet this world
stays at wars.
a light, a manger and a King?
sharing with compassion
a cladding of good deeds?
Glory to the new born King
A King of kings.
The lamb of God!
out of its joy?
just made it a tinker toy?
an ode to joy,
where one humble gesture from God
made it the biggest miracle
to all human kind.
and the heart is kicking
back to the old drawing board
and the heart is kicking
back to the old drawing board.
back to the old drawing board.
© Shadi Shidrawi
Ready, steady, go
edit note
But how to let it go,
Is it because Chronic remorse,
when you listen
"If you have behaved badly,
"On no account brood over your wrongdoing.
"You say you care
Christmas is near
a child is born
a child is born
Is your Christmas the same as mine?
Hark the herald angels sing
Who took the event
Christmas is near
Christmas is near
back to the old drawing board
Christmas is near
and the heart is kicking
leave an impression
receive one
and let it go
when voices
around Christmas time
echo in the silence
of your head!
as all the moralists have agreed,
is a most undesirable sentiment?
just around this time of year
the voices would
sound like that:
then make what amends you can
and address yourself to the task
of behaving better next time."
Rolling in the muck is not
the best way of getting clean."
But you don't!
That's why you're not here but there.
You said you'd change but you won't,
but still you can make a difference. "
and the heart is kicking
back to the old drawing board:
to save the world.
yet the world doesn't
want to be saved
to bring them peace
yet this world
stays at wars.
a light, a manger and a King?
sharing with compassion
a cladding of good deeds?
Glory to the new born King
A King of kings.
The lamb of God!
out of its joy?
just made it a tinker toy?
an ode to joy,
where one humble gesture from God
made it the biggest miracle
to all human kind.
and the heart is kicking
back to the old drawing board
and the heart is kicking
back to the old drawing board.
back to the old drawing board.
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