Morning of The 21st Century. (C) Shadi Shidrawi 2015

Morning of the 21st century.
(c) Shadi Shidrawi 21st century: 2015

Bewildered yet calm
the clams in silence
spit their pearls
incandescent by nature
a glimmer of a glimpse of a light
breaks at the dawn of times.

lit by matches
made from cedar wood
a frankincense of lords
seeps in
nostril of nitrile
agitating calm.

a bubble formed
from a single morning due
runs up a flattened stone
defying gravitational pull

achingly they conglomerate
suddenly they stutter
the men with a chin aching
women of ultimate destinations

zooming in and out
ccctv relates events of one morning
spying on spies
gravitational surmise
the epitome of globalization
the annihilation of determination

Good Morning
21st century
Good morning
decadence and charm.


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