A Sand Storm of Civilizations

Listen to A Sand Storm of Civilizations  (c) Shadi Shidrawi 2015.08.17 by Shadi Y. Shidrawi #SoundCloud

A Sand Storm of Civilizations
(c) Shadi Shidrawi 2015

Sand storm
on a gravel
a pebble of sand
settled on
the eye lid
of eternity

man is created

a poetic image
an astutely derived
derivatives of nihilism

literature is born

A plethora of multi cultures,
weaving languages and expressions

linguistics cracking at the break of dawn

Experienced expertise teaching apprentices make up its population.

schools in academia flourishing

An apprenticeship of the soul.

An appointment of god like beings

Richness and galore,

Trains of elephants with jewels embroidered.

Orientalism dwindles

Rivers of  cleansing mists at dawn.

Revolutions washed with Ghandi's hands

Peaceful marches till the end of time,
where injustice fails in poverty
and happiness flourishes into the richness of every soil

the bastille has fallen
an emperor rules

a message sent
aliens collided
area 52

behold a nest
behind the border
a genetic construct
beast unleashed
unbeatable temporarily, unbelievable,

crave for awareness and never cease to.
we are what we are
don't say we are unable to.

breathe the storm and fly over the black clouds
torrential rain under your courage subsides
we are what we do
don't say we are not aware, too.

form a tree and hang a dreamy swing
revel in its nostalgia and innocense
don't let the new order take over
don't say we are able, but can't do.

counting, drifting, hanging, musing
that's what we do best

Starts with the Mahābhārata and the Ramayana.
The Sanskrit epics of ancient India,
The other being of perfection.

Softly towards that revolution of software,

Calculations of billions close to an 8,

this isn't what it seems
like you have an understanding
of the how and when
the synergistic tendency
to over analyze.


we just stand there
as agility surmises our surroundings
on this planet earth
the area of memory grows
by the tripping of tongues
all what is said just glows
on blogs, papers, poems...
never meant to be read.


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